Leggy Leader

Leggy Leader
This man suffers from an advanced state of The Palin Syndrome

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fucking Sick & Twisted

Oh my God. Just when I thought Sarah Palin Hateration couldn't get any worse, it did. Some gays (not even worthy of a capital "G") in West Hollywood thought it was a good idea and well within their 1st amendment right to hang a Sarah Palin mannequin from a noose outside their house as part of a Halloween display.

A noose.

A fucking noose.

Do they not know what a noose means in this country? The nasty history, the oppression and heartbreak that it caused thousands of people over decades?

So, it's not a hate crime, but it's damn close. And to think that these two men are themselves facing a hateful Prop 8 initiative in their own state...yet, they deem it appropriate and necessary to hang "someone" from a noose.

You may hate Sarah (and I don't know why) and you have every right to express that (God Bless America), but this is disgusting and a waste of our God-given rights.

To the prayer list you go, my friends.

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