Leggy Leader

Leggy Leader
This man suffers from an advanced state of The Palin Syndrome

Friday, November 21, 2008


I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.
I still love her. No matter what.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

She's just Sarah from the block

This is why I FUCKING LOVE Sarah. She's giving a fucking interview to Matt Lauer while cooking dinner (halibut and salmon casserole!). Now mind you, there is a part where she throws away two perfectly good pieces of recyclable plastic, but hey, how many other Americans do the same.

I love her.

And how cute are Piper, Trig and The Todd?????

But the conversation is frank and real. She talks about her ambitions and how she is back to making Alaska her number priority along with like God and her family and whatnot.

Why couldn't all of her interviews been like this?

Matt Lauer doesn't bullshit, but obviously the race is over so there is no need to ask her stupid questions about foreign policy. Plus he has a really nice sweater on and I can tell that The Todd was giving him the side eye because he wasn't the only hot white guy in the room.

I have to say to Sarah: no matter what you pursue in the next couple of years, you've GOTTA get your shit together. There will be more interviews, more hard questions. Yes, you're a woman and you will have to bring it more than anyone else. That's life. That's the truth. Just remember to be the real, honest, approachable (throat-slitting, ruthless) person you have always been and your God will reward you. In the meantime pray hard, study hard.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Until we meet again

Maverick. Beauty Queen. Diva. Hockey Mom. Pitbull. Wife. Mother.


Thank you Sarah for inspiring our country to change. Your wit and wisdom has revolutionized the political landscape and while this is over for John John, your journey is only beginning.

You looked fabulous. I wish they would have let you speak last night. I know your speech would have been better than you know who....

Ode to Sarah
You own a gun
You also run
We both like mochas
This is true
I hope to one day
buy one for you
You like things on ice
you're from a state that's cold
You will be a granny that isn't very old
You campaigned a lot
People think you're hot
I feel bad for all the moose that you've shot
The Todd is awesome
That is a fact
The two of you have a special pact
You are a leader
2012 you will win
I know I will see you around again
You're a winner from the start
You will always have a place in my heart


The Alaska Personnel Board concludes that SP did not violate state ethics laws in this whole Troopergate bullshit.


Monday, November 3, 2008

America's Newest Sweetheart

Move over, Piper! This little girl is going for your Mommy's heart!

Election Day Eve Prayer List Additions

Boy oh boy, it doesn't slow down, does it? The Prayer List is active and growing.

A "woman", Dr. Charlottee Laws, in California decided to play copycat to those gays who put up an effigy to Sarah. Not as soon as they took their hate crime homage down, did she put another up (and it isn't as cute). She claims that she's a Republican, but she hates Sarah for her animal-hunting ways.

Whatever. I don't support animal cruelty, either, but I'm not hanging dummies from my house either. Bitch. To the prayer list you go.

Canada finds itself on the Prayer List again with the addition of two radio shock jocks known as the Masked Avengers. They prank called Sarah this weekend claiming to be French President, Nicolas Sarkosy. Disgusting.

Of course, Her Grace responded in good humor to the joke. Sarah does have such soft, yet thick skin.